Fawcett (2010: 150-1):
Very large quantities of text analysis in terms of the Cardiff Grammar have been undertaken over the last twenty-five years as part of its development — most at the level of functional syntax (e.g., in the major text-analysis project described in Fawcett & Perkins 1980), but also in the last decade at the level of meaning (a good example of the latter being Ball 1995). Tucker (1998) provides a very fine introduction to the treatment of adjectives and of all of the structures into which they may enter in Cardiff Grammar terms, but since Fawcett (1974-6 /81) there has unfortunately not been a publication that offers overall coverage of either level of description.
However the publication of Fawcett (in press) will make publicly available both a broad coverage grammar of functional syntax and full guidelines for analysing texts in these terms. Then Fawcett (forthcoming a) will make available, in a form that is usable for text analysis, the major system networks for English, in a systemic functional grammar in which the networks constitute the level of semantics. This volume will also provide guidelines for using the system networks for the semantic description of texts.
Blogger Comments:
[1] This promised 'in press' publication
[1] This promised 'in press' publication
- Fawcett, Robin, in press. Functional Syntax Handbook: Analysing English at the Level of Form. London: Continuum.
remains unpublished, 20 years after the first edition of the publication under review. It is current publication date is listed as November 2022, having previously been promised for January 2022, November 2021 and January 2020.
[2] This promised 'forthcoming' publication
- Fawcett, Robin, forthcoming a. Functional Semantics Handbook: Analysing English at the Level of Meaning. London: Continuum .
also remains unpublished, 20 years after the first edition of the publication under review. No expected publication date is currently available.