Sunday 26 July 2020

Misrepresenting Scale-&-Category Grammar And Systemic Functional Grammar As The Same Theory

Fawcett (2010: 161):
As will by now be clear, my view at the time was that the elevation of the concept of 'system' to the semantics was so revolutionary a change that it should be expected to affect every part of the theory. In a sense, the strongest possible support for this position came when Halliday introduced an entirely new way of representing the structure of clauses. You can see this difference very clearly if you compare Figure 1 in Chapter 2 and Figure 7 in Chapter 7.

Blogger Comments:

This is misleading. To be clear, the changes introduced by Halliday should not "be expected to affect every part of the theory" — Scale and Category Grammar — because these changes were part of Halliday's second theory, Systemic Functional Grammar, which replaced his first theory. This is a motivated misrepresentation, because Fawcett's model has more in common with Halliday's superseded theory than Systemic Functional Grammar, as will become evident when Fawcett eventually begins outlining his own model.

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